tiny images


I was using a 15 inch lflat screen monitor with my G4. Sold the G4 to my brother. . He has a 17 inch monitor. When he boots up, his desktop is tiny (as well as the menu bar). ANy one know what has to be adjusted? He said he adjusted things in the monitor Control panel (he is using 9.1). He said he changed the resolutions but is having no luck. Any one know what is wrong?
Sounds weird, but it should all be fixed if you restart and hold down command+alt+p+r before booting. When you've heard the chime twice, release the keys. That resets the NVRAM which contains date/time/display/boot disk settings, etc :)
Describe "tiny". He used only a little of the screen, leaving a big black boarder on every side of the desktop? Or was the resolution too high, making the icons seem small?

In the first case he should look for a set of controls on his monitor.
In the second, ksv has already given you a solution.