To Apple

Would a V.I.P. program with Apple be smarter?

  • Yes

  • No

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My biggest recommendation to Apple is to have a subscription service that would allow users to, receive upgrade for a full year at a certain fee. For instance, if I were to subscribe to .mac right now on July 18th, I would receive the .mac services and free upgrades through a web site (no shipped CD's) until July 18th 2003. Knowing that cost will be an issue, such a service should cost 149,95$ per year instead of 99$.

That particular price would give you all of the above and enlist you into a V.I.P. list with Apple, giving you priority on news and updates through email. As well, your interests and demands would be of the highest importance as you would be allowed to communicate directly with the people in charge of Apple to place your recommendations.

Sound bad? Knowing how much Apple users love their systems, I feel that such a V.I.P. program might be of interest.

That's exactly what Mac Up To Date was... until they decided to stop honoring their side of the bargain...

If they brought this back with a new name, I certainly would not be stupid enough to fall for it a 2nd time...
We should be able to get free updates when we register our equipment. At least for three years.

If I bought my new machine now, I still would have to pay for the OS X.2 update. That is not fair. But then isn't Apple and all the other companies out to make money so they can juggle their books and pay dividends to their stock holders?
if you bought your new machine now, you'd get jaguar for $20. that is an AWESOME deal. and do you expect car company's to give you free engine and battery upgrades for three years? nope. and if you bought a house, would you expect whoever you bought it from to give you free electricity for a year? nope.
Originally posted by Annihilatus
) Knowing that cost will be an issue, such a service should cost 149,95$ per year instead of 99$.

$150??? ouch!

your kidding. way too expensive. id rather see them spend time making their hardware and software less expensive. And, easier to purchase locally, at best buy, sears, circuit city. Or, more apple stores and put one near me..... How about apple products at walmart? Just a thought.

while buying online is nice, Id rather be able to walk into a local store and see gadgets face to face, play with them, test them before buying.

nearest apple store to me is like over an hours drive! No way im going there. :(

I want too, but thats way too far.
forgot to mention, you shell out $3,000 for a G4, and get a lousy 1 yr warranty? sucks .

2 or 3 yr warranty should come standard on all new macs. No extra charge!
Originally posted by PowermacG4_450
How about apple products at walmart? Just a thought.

Just a bad thought... Walmart is the Devil! Apple getting in bed with them would hurt their reputation and image... at least with me.

Originally posted by PowermacG4_450
while buying online is nice, Id rather be able to walk into a local store and see gadgets face to face, play with them, test them before buying.

I couldn't agree more. I enjoy buying online, but I only do it for items I can't get locally. Local is the way to go. Go. Buy. Bring home and be happy.

I don't like the idea of Apple giving priority to some customers because they paid for the privilege of it. I buy Apple, that should be my passport to suggestions. And the VIP program would have no way of guaranteeing that the VIP suggestions would be heard.

And let’s imagine that they would... That means Apple would be subscribing to the notion that customers will have to bribe them to make OS and hardware changes...