to poll or not to poll?


mac shaman
for those of you who might not have noticed twyg's sticky about polls in another forum, i am reposting it here -

Hello all.

It's come to our attention that the number of new posts with polls has begun to get out of hand. Should you feel that a poll is truly warranted, please feel free to use the tool. But please don't use it just because it's there.

A great example of the proper use would be; I've got three printers I'd like to buy. Which one do you recommend?

An unacceptable poll would be; What do think the next G5 hardware specs will be?

Trying to project the future, or being silly has its time, and having fun is nothing but encouraged, but when the top 15 posts are nothing but polls that are not truly relevant to the forum they're in, it becomes a nuicance.

Please keep polls to a minimum!
- The Management

in addition, any polls in this forum that aren't non technical will automatically go to the opinions forum since that is really what a poll is all about - gathering opinions.
I think we should have a POLL to see if this warning is really relevant! :mad:

hehe... just kidding. :p Seriously, though, the Poll thing HAS gotten out of hand. Do Polls actually take up a significant amount of resources on the server? (just curious)
the network resources are not the issue here. the moderators' resources of time and energy are. it is our job to read each and every post in our respective forums. polls reflect a new post with every vote. hence moderators are spending unnecessary amounts of time checking for new posts when there aren't any there. keep in mind we are all volunteers and have other things to do with our time as well.

polls can give us very useful information when they are used correctly. they can even be fun from time to time. but they are also easily overdone - which is getting to be the case.
I think that polls should be submitted for CONSIDERATION to be posted. If the moderator thinks the poll is warrented, it can proceed and be posted. This will decrease the number of polls and time and energy of the moderators by not having to read every post in unnecessary polls. Posting a poll isn't critical to making a decision, people can always post their opinion on a subject, and usually do anyway.
ed you have done a bit of this your self (like the "who's the most popular" (something ike that) you didn't help too much ;)
To poll or not to poll?
That is the question.
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind
to suffer the slings and arrows
of the moderators,
or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
and in opposing, find out everyone's opinion.