Last Friday I got my grubby hands on a dual G4 tower with a massive 23" Cinema display and a copy of Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3. Without saying too much here's how my little adventure turned out:
At first i couldn't believe how much has changed from 2 to 3 in the THPS series. The character models have been completely re-done, the levels have been multiplied in size and include civilians, the texture quality has really been looked into, loads of new tricks/specials to preform, and most of all: EVERY model has been looked into and redone (including skateboard decks!).
I could tell right off after the THPS3 icon bounced once and booted up i was in for a wild ride.
I don't know how the game will run on lower end machines, i've heard of it getting laggy on G4s, but on the dual G4 i was using it wasn't lagging even slightly. With framerates probably well over 50fps i was having a really nice time. What's all this have to do with graphics? Well: the graphic textures have not only been well thought out, but well placed. Now even a slight crack in a texture looks amazingly realistic! The 2D textures placed on characters, cars, and obsticals are stunningly great! They're probably the best textures i've seen in a game since MOH:AA.
The 3D graphics are even another step up from the 2nd game in the series. What i noticed right off was how smooth and round the objects in the game have become. Characters are now extremely realistic (minus things here and there)! Infact: once i was skating through the canada level i saw a character in the distance who looked very similar to a friend of mine (hey spencer!), when i saw the character i had to hold myself back from calling out his name.
The sound effects have been reworked. Not the funnest of sounds, but defenetly worth listening to with more than 2 speakers. Probably the coolest would have to be the sound you get when you fall (which each character has a their own).
The music sound track that was choosen for the game isn't bad (hardly from it) but it really wasn't too much to my taste. Even though i do skate in real life, it wasn't something i enjoyed. If i had to rate the sound on it's own i'd probably only give it 3 of 5 smilies.
Ahhh...this is something that a lot of reviewers have overlooked in this game. The everylasting gameplay topic. With THPS3 you will not have time for work/school for at least a few months. The neverending choice of goals in the game is really a nice workup from the 2nd game in the series.
Not only will this game keep you hooked for months, but you'll also be interested in becoming a better player. Something that i noticed was that even after spending 2 hours with the game i didn't want to put it down. It can really keep you into it if you're actually playing. But then again, with my brain.
Rating (Out of 5)

If, for some odd reason, you liked this review and would like to comment on it to personally, please send me a PM.
At first i couldn't believe how much has changed from 2 to 3 in the THPS series. The character models have been completely re-done, the levels have been multiplied in size and include civilians, the texture quality has really been looked into, loads of new tricks/specials to preform, and most of all: EVERY model has been looked into and redone (including skateboard decks!).
I could tell right off after the THPS3 icon bounced once and booted up i was in for a wild ride.
I don't know how the game will run on lower end machines, i've heard of it getting laggy on G4s, but on the dual G4 i was using it wasn't lagging even slightly. With framerates probably well over 50fps i was having a really nice time. What's all this have to do with graphics? Well: the graphic textures have not only been well thought out, but well placed. Now even a slight crack in a texture looks amazingly realistic! The 2D textures placed on characters, cars, and obsticals are stunningly great! They're probably the best textures i've seen in a game since MOH:AA.
The 3D graphics are even another step up from the 2nd game in the series. What i noticed right off was how smooth and round the objects in the game have become. Characters are now extremely realistic (minus things here and there)! Infact: once i was skating through the canada level i saw a character in the distance who looked very similar to a friend of mine (hey spencer!), when i saw the character i had to hold myself back from calling out his name.
The sound effects have been reworked. Not the funnest of sounds, but defenetly worth listening to with more than 2 speakers. Probably the coolest would have to be the sound you get when you fall (which each character has a their own).
The music sound track that was choosen for the game isn't bad (hardly from it) but it really wasn't too much to my taste. Even though i do skate in real life, it wasn't something i enjoyed. If i had to rate the sound on it's own i'd probably only give it 3 of 5 smilies.
Ahhh...this is something that a lot of reviewers have overlooked in this game. The everylasting gameplay topic. With THPS3 you will not have time for work/school for at least a few months. The neverending choice of goals in the game is really a nice workup from the 2nd game in the series.
Not only will this game keep you hooked for months, but you'll also be interested in becoming a better player. Something that i noticed was that even after spending 2 hours with the game i didn't want to put it down. It can really keep you into it if you're actually playing. But then again, with my brain.
Rating (Out of 5)

If, for some odd reason, you liked this review and would like to comment on it to personally, please send me a PM.