too many polls


mac shaman
for those of you who might not have noticed twyg's sticky about polls in another forum, i am reposting it here -

Hello all.

It's come to our attention that the number of new posts with polls has begun to get out of hand. Should you feel that a poll is truly warranted, please feel free to use the tool. But please don't use it just because it's there.

A great example of the proper use would be; I've got three printers I'd like to buy. Which one do you recommend?

An unacceptable poll would be; What do think the next G5 hardware specs will be?

Trying to project the future, or being silly has its time, and having fun is nothing but encouraged, but when the top 15 posts are nothing but polls that are not truly relevant to the forum they're in, it becomes a nuicance.

Please keep polls to a minimum!
- The Management

in addition, any polls in this forum that don't have to do with news or rumors will automatically go to the opinions forum since that is really what a poll is all about - gathering opinions.
:p LOL

i was wondering when somebody would say something about that. leave it to you.:D

honestly i couldn't figure out any other way to get an accurate and potentially anonymous accounting of people's feelings on the issue of trolls. so hopefully i made the correct use of the feature.

it's still a pain to keep track of when there has been a real post and when there hasn't. :p
well, it probably had more to do with 'site discussion' and so i have now moved it there. your point was well taken. ;)
I don't think there's too many polls, polls are fun even if they are useless. I don't see how it hurts anything if they are used a lot? Why don't we take a poll on this and see what everyone thinks :p
I think it has something to do with the fact that each vote is counted as a post, so the mods have to check it out. but couldn't they give the posts a different signature or something so they know?
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
*in a big voice*

see the board rules for a complete list of what is not allowed here.

Did you write the rules and regulations? This must be one of the funniest and yet on the point R&R I have read! Very well written! ha ha ha... could even hire you for my ads!

Cheers. Thought I try to bring back a little of that old skool Mac community in here. Sometimes things gets too serious around. I miss them 9xxx, early iMac Rev B days...
no, the rules were rendered by Admin. he will be thrilled to know you saw them this way. :p