Toolbars in IB


KU Mac Geek
I noticed that in Interface Builder 2.2(v248), the File's Owner has a toolbar option when you Control-Drag to it. Anyone know how to use this? The documentation on it is missing or vague.

I'm attaching an image of what I'm talking about.


  • toolbar.jpg
    18.3 KB · Views: 26
Yes, I've seen this before too. Maybe Apple will finally document it in the Jaguar release and maybe it will make toolbars much easier to create. That's what I'm hoping for.
Both OmniWeb and Apple's Address Book use .toolbar files. Apparently you can call them from the code. Open one of these up and you can see the way it is organized. I still haven't found out what the toolbar item in IB is for, nor how to use .toolbar files effectively.