Toward Mac OS XX


Feature Presentation
Thursday, July 18
9:30 am - 10:30 am

Toward Mac OS XX
David Pogue, Author

It’s taken 17 years to go from System 1.0 to Mac OS X… from 128K of memory to 128 megs… from a 400K disks to 40 gigabytes. What will the Mac look like in another 17 years?

In this half-crazy, half-serious presentation, best-selling Mac author David Pogue takes a funny, whirlwind look back, pauses to analyze the promise and perils of Mac OS X, and then fast-forwards to 2020 to imagine what Apple—and Microsoft—might bring us on the road to Mac OS XX.

Will it be streamed on the internet?

never heard of it. i'd help you but i have no idea what you're talking about ^_^. was this posted on