Trade Pentium 4 1.7 GHz system for G4


I would like to trade my Gateway BTO Pentium 4 1.7 GHz system for a G4 desktop.

System Specs:
P4 1.7 GHz Processor
256 MB RAMBUS memory
32 MB Nvidia 2 TNT Video Card
20 GB HD
Sound Card
BA Digital 735 Speakers
56k Modem/Home LAN card
19" Monitor
4 USB ports
Windows ME
please email me with any questions at

Would Like a Dual 450/500 system in trade.
I'll give ya 20c for it. Why would you buy a P4, of all things? If you have to get a PC, at least get a decent chip, and go with AMD.
A lot of mac users hate PCs. I just don't like windows, and i hate the way intel and M$ think that because all the sheep buy their products they're the best. I have no problem with AMD, or any Linux/Unix flavour. I get pissed off tryna do TAFE courses for Linux with commands intended for Unix that don't work, but i think it's a kick-ass OS. (Apart from the whole, "Linux is a Back-yarder OS cus it was made by some guy in his spare time" thing of course..)
And that brings us back to OS X.
Any body wanna burn me a copy and send it to me? :D
Why do you think anyone would trade a G4 for a P4? Your best bet is to find someone who switched and tried to tweak their system and messed it up and aren't happy with it.
My idea anyway