Transcoding Windows Media Files?


As anyone who views Windows Media Files on Mac OSX will know, Windows Media Player 9 for Mac is sorely lacking some of the codecs which are standard in the PC version - notably Windows media 9 video streams (or WMV3 video content in media files)

I'm finding that more and more of these media files are using the newer codec which we on the Mac side do not have available. Unfortunately, neither the Video Lan Client or Mplayer developers have managed to reverse-engineer the codec as yet.

Does anyone know of any other way to transcode these files to a more Mac friendly codec, short of using a PC - which I don't have ready access to?
Has anyone heard of any other projects having success with handling this codec?
WMP9 for Macs has support for WMV3 so long as it's used in an ASF file instead of a WMV.

I know, it's ridiculous.

To my knowledge, there's no way to watch it on your Mac at all, short of VirtualPC/Bochs/etc, etc.