transfering files

cyprus mac man

hey everyone. i need some help to transfer files between 2 powerbooks wirelessly with our airports. i did it before but now it wont work. HELP. both 'books are running 10.4.something

Thanks much
Easiest way is to setup one Powerbook as an Airport host:
- Click on the Airport icon on the menu bar
- Click "Create Network ..."
- Setup a network name, etc, and click OK.

Then, from the other computer, click the Airport icon in the menu bar and connect to the first Powerbook.

Once that is done, go into system preferences on each machine, then Sharing, and turn on Apple File Sharing on each machine.

You can then, from the Finder, choose Go --> Connect to Network. Select the other computer, and you can then drag and drop files onto it. Hope that makes sense.
A faster, if somewhat less reliable, way is to connect via a chat window. Sign both users on to iChat, look at the Bonjour listing, open a chat with the other user, and drop files into that chat window.

Note that if you're connecting wirelessly, the transfer speeds will be hampered by the speed of the wireless protocol. If your files are large and your wireless is 802.11b, you'll be waiting a long time for the transfer to finish.