

I am wondering where you get all your information from about using your MAC OS X in such a effective way ... especially regarding speeding up the system or conrolling user access, configurations, or using UNIX commands.

Have you tried that out, found that out by experimenting with OS X ... are you experts on unix ...

I ask that question because I am relatively new to OS X and I want to improve my knowledge.

What are your sources??? Which books would you recommand me to get really familiar with UNIX, so that I can get the best out of this fantastic OS.

BTW, where can I get those "developer tools" and what do I need them for?


There is lots of information available if you know where to look, but a lot of stuff we just "stumble" on.
- Have a look at the Mac OS X features guide at:

- There are plenty of books on Unix / Linux in your library. A lot of us have done Unix professionally: it is considered very important as it is the foundation for the Internet (or perhaps the mortar, metaphors are tricky)

- One little UNIX command you need to get used to: man
It brings up a manual page on whatever command you're unsure of.

- The UNIX underpinnings of OS X are very, very close to those used by Next, Sun Solaris, Linux, BSD, and so on. Hence, for people who have used these systems it is no big jump.