Trouble burning DVD with Pioneer DVR-109


I had asked this a couple days ago but haven't seen a response. This is my first time using this site, so maybe I'm not doing it right. Anyway, on to my question.

I'm using a G3 B&W, 400mhz with OS 10.3.9. I recently replaced the drive with a Pioneer DVR-109 and I keep getting a hardware error during the DVD burning process. It only gets as far as writing the lead-in. I've had no trouble burning CD's and can read DVD's just fine. I've tried the PatchBurn software as well as the Flash firmware application but I'm still getting the hardware error. Any suggestions for me? Thanks for any help!
Couple of obvious things to try..firstly try burning at a lower speed. Secondly try a different brand of DVD-R..
Thanks for the help, sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. That worked! I was using media rated at 8x, slowed it down to 4x and it worked fine. Tried using some 16x media and it works fine at 8x but not 16x. Looks like it will only burn at half the rate that the media's rated at, at least for those brands; imation and Fuji. Anyway, thanks for the advice!