Trouble Linking My G4 and an old 7600/120


I am trying to link up my G4 running osx and a 7600/120 running os10. The main reason being i have an old Syquest 135 zip drive connected to the 7600/120 and i need to get files from the zip drives on to my G4 to burn them on to CD. I have linked the computers up via ethernet and enabled Appletalk and file sharing on both computers.

The problem is sometimes the 7600/120 sees the g4 in the chooser under appleshare but when i try to connect is says the server has unexpectedly disconnected. The G4 will never see the 7600. Other times I can't get the 7600 to see the g4.

Could it be the ethernet port has loose connections. I have tried 2 different patch cables. If anyone has any other suggestions as to how i can get the files off the Syquest on to the G4 i would be grateful. (The problem is the connections i.e. no scsi port on my G4. also i bought a scsi card for the G4 but the scsi connection is different from that on my syquest, are there different scsi connections?)

I am at a loss.
I "think" you mean that the 7600 is runing OS 9.x? Please clarify this, and how you are connecting them by ethernet - directly or both to a router? Part of this is how each computer is getting an IP address?

Yes there are several scsi connector types.
Oh and sorry I am trying to link them directly with 1 cable from ethernet to ethernet. I have tried a crossover cable and another cable that I can't tell if it is a crossover or not. Is there any way of telling them apart?
A straight ethernet cable is OK, because the G4 can autosense whether it's regular or crossover.

You need to manually set the IP addresses of both computers - try for one and for the other.

To connect for sharing, on the 7600, go to chooser > Appleshare > Server IP address, and enter the G4's IP address that you just set up. Now finish the connection. This little step is probably what you were missing, it puts OS 8 into TCP/IP file sharing mode (AFP).
Fantastic. Thank you very much. 4 Days of messing about and it was as simple as that. Well simple when you know how. Cheers again