Trouble with SLEEP issues


Problem 1:
My iMac "server" is set to go to sleep after an hour, but wakeup for network admin access. In reality it goes to sleep, but cannot be woken up by an external source (any of three other Macs in this case). Any thoughts?

Problem 2:
I cannot get my screen display to sleep to black. I have that cool flurry screen saver going, but it just keeps going and going. I can even manually put my G4 to sleep, the screen goes black, but when I come back in the next day, Flurry's up and running again. What I would ideally like to have happen is that Flurry starts running after like 5 minutes of inactivity, then after half an hour it goes black. Can I do this?
1. I think you will need to set System Sleep to "never", then you can set display and hard disk sleep to whatever you want. When the system goes into a full System Sleep, it won't wake.

2. Err, I thought setting screen saver time to 5 mins and screen sleep time to 30 mins would do this. Any ideas, people?
I'm not sure which screen you're using, but here's my $0.02

I currently have an iMac TFT and I had problems making the screen sleep, so I reset the energy saver configurations with the hard reset inside the case.

When I had an iMac DV 450MHz running OS X I could never get the screen go shut off completely; the screen jsut went black, but like a large black image, not the screen shutting off like it did in OS 9. I never fixed that.

I'd have to agree with symphonix, just set your HD and monitor to sleep. If you're running a server, you don't want a 'server' to sleep... :)