troubles with fink


Hi UNIX fans

I have a spare machine with 10.2. Installed Dev Tools. Installed fink.
Tried to test it out by getting BasiliskII.
The Date & Time were not current and as fink was installing all the xFree86 stuff I saw a few error messages regarding the right date scroll past.
Basilisk doen't run. My errors say

Gdk warning; locale not supported by C library
Gtk warning; cannot open display.

so after fixing the date+time, I do a fink selfupdate, then fink update-all

Basilisk still has the same error messages.

What did I do wrong? Is this stuff supposed to work? Geez, package management is heavy stuff.
You need to start X11 before running basilisk. That's why Gtk can't open a display. If you installed Apple's X11 server, you should run /Applications/Utilities/ before running basilisk.

If it is the X server installed by fink (which from the looks of your post, it probably is) you might want to try typing

startx &

Watch all the initialization stuff, then type the command to start basilisk. Post back if that doesn't solve it.
Viro said:
You need to start X11 before running basilisk. That's why Gtk can't open a display. If you installed Apple's X11 server, you should run /Applications/Utilities/ before running basilisk.

No I didn't. I just installed xfree86.

Viro said:
If it is the X server installed by fink (which from the looks of your post, it probably is) you might want to try typing

startx &

Watch all the initialization stuff, then type the command to start basilisk. Post back if that doesn't solve it.

Sorry no initialization stuff, I get errno 2 which is "no X in PATH". Sorry now this thread is how to install X11 properly! Why can't these fancy installers add X to my PATH for me? There is nothing about it in the startx man page, socan someone tell me how to do it?
Well, I got BasiliskII compiled and running. This is what I did.

I got Apple's X11 and installed it. Also, I installed the X11 SDK. Because I'm using Panther X11 was on the 3rd CD, X11 SDK was on the DevTools CD.

Once those were installed I installed BasiliskII via fink.

Before being able to run it, I had to edit the file called .profile in my user directory (So the full path was /Users/wjgoh/.profile). I added the line
export DISPLAY=:0.0

So now, to start BasiliskII, I just type in the terminal

startx &
You might also want to try this:

Launch X11 (or 'Keep in Dock')
Open a Finder window and locate the app.
Drag said app to the X11 icon in the Dock.

Viro said:
I got Apple's X11 and installed it. Also, I installed the X11 SDK. Because I'm using Panther X11 was on the 3rd CD, X11 SDK was on the DevTools CD.

ok, does fink install X11 or not? if not, does the panther version still work on 10.2.x?

i dont think i have X11 installed. How can I tell?
From the command line type:

fink list

this will give you a list of what is available through fink. It should also have an 'i' the the left of packages that are already installed.

Look for system-xfree86 and see if there is an 'i' to the left of it, there should be whether you are using apple's x11 or the one available through fink.

Hope this helps
For all those experimenting with Fink, I strongly advise to use FinkCommander. It really helps a lot in keeping track of what is installed/available etc.
fink list says (among other things)

i xfree86-base

I typed "fink install system-xfree86" but after a few lines it craps out and says "dpkg: error processing /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/x11-system/system-xfree86_4.2-13_darwin-powerpc.deb (--install):
conflicting packages - not installing system-xfree86
Errors were encountered while processing:
### execution of dpkg failed, exit code 1
Failed: can't install package system-xfree86-4.2-13"

Somebody feel free to tell me what I did wrong, and by the way, X11 for 10.2 has been pulled off Apple's website so says

We can do this, people. Tell me what to type.

P.S. I just went to SourceForge and got FinkCommander, so I'll check it out.
i xfree86-base tells you that this packages is ionstalled, this is part of Fink's X11 environment. the package system-xfree86 is a virtual package that tells Fink you have installed another X11 on your own, not by Fink. These two obviously conflict. Either you install all of Fink's X11 or another + system-xfree86.
Try "fink install xfree86". This should install a complete X11 environment with all dependencies and required packages etc.

OK, I see what happened. When I first installed fink, I told it I had another X11 environment. But I didn't have it yet. So I just got the virtual placeholder.

But I located a copy of the Apple X11 beta for 10.2, and installed that, and now I can launch basilisk. Hurray! Thanks for your help everyone.

I also installed nmap as I read that was useful on another forum. That seemed to install and run OK.

Now all I need is suggestions for everyone's favorite X11 software.

Cat, I am going to repeat this exercise on another 10.2.x machine, do you suggest the Fink X11 instead of Apple's one?
Apple's X11 has always worked fine for me.
I hope everything will be easier now. Fell free to keep asking questions! :)

Try looking in this thread for suggestion on X11 apps to use. Remember that you do not necessarily need to use Fink apps inside X11. E.g. nmap runs fine in your OS X terminal, but it's text only, while in X11 you get a nice window. TeTeX is just an engine, you can point any Cocoa application (like TeXShop) to it.

Poke around in FinkCommander, use the info button and look if you can find something you like, there are a lot of nice utilities, applets, games etc. not to mention programming languages/environments etc. Have fun!
Thanks Cat and Viro, your help got it all sorted out in my head, fink's error messages gradually made more and more sense and now.... drum roll please... I am proud to annouce I am typing this from Mozilla running within XWindows and I also have downloaded the KDE bundle!
Fink kept complaining about Apple's X11 so I had to disable it and install XFree86 from Sourceforge.