Troublesome restart requests!


Hi Everyone
I consider myself very much a novice with IT in general but i love my mac and because it interests me i know my way around in MacOSX to limited extent, I have a later model Mac G3 Power PC750 (600Mhz) with 256 meg of Ram running Mac0S 10.3.9 quite hapilly, or it was until several months ago, i started getting this descending gray veil effect at odd moments with a black box in the centre containing white text in several languages telling me that - "you need to restart your computer....." with brief descriptions of a couple of ways to do this. I'm don't install much software (other than the apple updates) as i'm only using the Mac for mail, surfing and a little itunes music downloading, although i did load a few freebies that came with my MacFormat mag-some widgets and a kind of add-on quick-launch toolbar for app's called Tigerlauch-these-
widgets in themselves work perfectly, but as i can't think of anything else that could be causing some kind of conflict i'd thought i'd tell you. I've noticed that if i connect to the internet and then launch itunes this "restart" is likely to happen but if it do the same things the other way round (itunes first) it does'nt?
I have about 4.5 GB of music etc. in my itunes folder in a 38.15 GB Hard drive with about 26 GB my older machine just overworked? or could there be some kind of conflict going on somewhere? I'd br very grateful for any king of light you could shed on this problem.
Thank You
The kernel panic (that's what that grey screen is called) could also mean anything from a problem-causing USB hub or other third party hardware. If you're using anything external, try using the machine with only the keyboard and mouse connected and see if it then happens, too.

It could also mean that one of the RAM DIMMs has gone dead (or is only loosely connected), same for other internal hardware upgrades. Try taking those out, remove dust and put them back in again (firmly). Then - again - try and see whether the problem persists.

Also: Does the kernel panic not appear if you're not using iTunes at all?
Hello, this is my first posting but have found exactly the same problem I came to this site to solve. I hae a PowerBook G4 and it has started to do exactly as described above a grey line coming across and this request in different languages to Restart the computer. Help!
In addition to the suggestions fryke mentioned (disconnecting peripheral devices, removing/reseating RAM chips), I would also look to see what apps are starting up at login, which you can see in part by going to the "Accounts" system preference and looking at the "Login Items" tab. If there are items there, you might want to try removing them from there one at a time and seeing if that makes a difference. Sometimes a device like a printer will install a component that runs at login and does various scans in the background that can cause problems.

If the kernel panic happens immediately upon launch of an application, and you're using TigerLaunch to do the launching, I might be a bit suspicious of that app. Also, when you say "connect to the internet", do you mean open a browser? Dial up to some server? Or what?

One thing to note, Sylvia, is that even though you appear to have the "same problem", a kernel panic can be caused by so many different factors that it's probably unlikely you actually have the same underlying issue as the person who started this thread. But the suggestions for the solution are worth trying.
Thanks for your help if it is of any help here is a copy of what I found in my sys
Just for info I have Mac Os X 10.2.8 Power PC G4 laptop

Wed Dec 14 09:32:19 2005

Unresolved kernel trap(cpu 0): 0x200 - Machine check DAR=3D0x018258c0 PC=3D=
Latest crash info for cpu 0:
Exception state (sv=3D0x1C0B1C80)
PC=3D0x0008B3F4; MSR=3D0x00041000; DAR=3D0x018258C0; DSISR=3D0x400000=
00; LR=3D0x000883D8; R1=3D0x0FBCBB60; XCP=3D0x00000008 (0x200 - Machine che=
0x00088588 0x00087268 0x00066454 0x000666C4 0x00038D8C 0x001DC530 =
0x001E648C 0x00027078=20
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (sv=3D0x1C0B1C80)
previously dumped as "Latest" state. skipping...
Exception state (sv=3D0x151A4000)
PC=3D0x90025688; MSR=3D0x0000D030; DAR=3D0x01CF7430; DSISR=3D0x400000=
00; LR=3D0x0301F7DC; R1=3D0xF0010920; XCP=3D0x00000030 (0xC00 - System call)

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 6.8:
Wed Sep 10 15:20:55 PDT 2003; root:xnu/xnu-344.49.obj~2/RELEASE_PPC

panic(cpu 0): 0x200 - Machine check
Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
0x000857F4 0x00085C24 0x000287B4 0x0008F6A8 0x000927B8=20
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (sv=3D0x1C0B1C80)
PC=3D0x0008B3F4; MSR=3D0x00041000; DAR=3D0x018258C0; DSISR=3D0x400000=
00; LR=3D0x000883D8; R1=3D0x0FBCBB60; XCP=3D0x00000008 (0x200 - Machine che=
0x00088588 0x00087268 0x00066454 0x000666C4 0x00038D8C 0x001DC530 =
0x001E648C 0x00027078=20
Exception state (sv=3D0x151A4000)
PC=3D0x90025688; MSR=3D0x0000D030; DAR=3D0x01CF7430; DSISR=3D0x400000=
00; LR=3D0x0301F7DC; R1=3D0xF0010920; XCP=3D0x00000030 (0xC00 - System call)

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 6.8:
Wed Sep 10 15:20:55 PDT 2003; root:xnu/xnu-344.49.obj~2/RELEASE_PPCtem profiler logs