Try Terrorism


Ministry of Re-Education
Hey You. Yeah, You. Not getting what you want out of life? Try Terrorism, it works, it really works.

Or at least that's the lesson gleaned from the Israel/Palestine crisis.

Here's the other lesson to learn; there's really no such thing as a terrorist, there are only freedom fighters and oppressors - Control the Language boys and girls. The world is really that simple my friends!

So if your boss is keepin ya down, and you haven't had a raise in while, put a freekin pipe bomb in his car! Then see how he feels about givin you a raise.

Or better yet, don't like paying such a high rent? Landlord keepin ya down? NO PROBLEM. First, just demand free rent from him. He'll probably say no but don't worry, just get a bunch of easily controlled, poor, desperate kids from off the streets, then politely brainwash them by seducing them into believing in a blissful paradise full of babes and endless sex rewarded to them only by a violent god and only in an act of great violence, and then command them to attack you landlords children without fearing death. Then see how he feels about givin you that free rent!

The squeaky wheel gets the grease

The squeaky sword gets the blood

The squeaky bomb gets the Peace.
That wouldn't work... And no -- most of us have not learned that terrorism works from the Israeli's and Palestinians. That's just stupid.
Poor Habilis. Not that I say I blame him. The world's a frickin' mess because people aren't nice to each other. I can understand typing out a ranting post that's just dripping with sarcasm.

*sigh* Oh well.
Bitter irony ?

Our world is one where (all of you will admit it I am sure) irony, cynicism and sarcasm are tempting.
I must be naive, but that rant was about a sad-but-true lesson I've learned recently, that is, Terrorism Works.
when i was a kid i wanted to be a terrorist when i grew up.

instead i became a rockstar. imagine my disappointment.
Hmm...shame on you, habilis. You usually look at the big picture. Terrorism only works in the short run. It collapses on itself after a while.
One of my chemist friends has a brother who went to a rather highly ranked polymer chemistry program. The faculty there "messed" with him for a long time. When they found out that his hobby involved going to a shooting range with a high powered semi-automatic weapon (you know the kind, the ones that are just barely legal here in the USA), they left him alone and stopped "messing" with him and making his life difficult. Sometimes you have to ask yourself this question if you're an evil person: "Is my playing around with someone's life worth losing mine?" The threat of violence (deterence) does WORK. They were more than eager to give him his Ph.D., write outstanding letters of recommendation, and get him the hell out of there.
Deterrence has two r's, but the rest of your example is, although startling for a non-US student, a proving one.
Is terrorism is a legitimate institution? A justifiable means to an end? Is it a twisted version of the peace process, something like a "Terror for Peace" banner at a peace rally?

I think I've crossed the line asking this question.
Terrorism, just like the word hero, has lost its meaning these past couple of decades. America's heros have become overpaid, whiny professional sports players. Terrrorists are now tree sitters and nuns protesting the College of the Americas.

One man's terrorism may well be another's struggle for survival. Was their a reign of terror in Rwanda, Chile, early 20th century America (Pinkerton busting unions on behalf of the industrialists), Stalin's Russia, Indonesia, etc, etc, etc, etc......

I think the question should be, is oppression ever a justifiable means to an end?
On a psychological point of view, terrorism is logical and foreseeable indeed –_but neverthess illegitimate.
If government is just a sofisticated form of terrorism (the tyranny of majority), is then terrorism a crude form of government?
Terrorism emanates from minorities by essence. Governement is a form of coercion, that's the word you're looking for.

And I like your spelling mistake on 'sofisticated', for 'sofia' in Greek is wisdom ;)