I have a Canon i865 that I have some problems with. The printer is connected with USB to a Windows XP computer and shared on the network.
When printing connected to the printer using USB on my MacBook Pro it all works great, the MacBook Pro is using the correct driver and the printing is very nice.
But when trying to print wireless choosing Windows printing I only see Gimp drivers. I have tried many different Canon Gimp drivers but none is working ok. Some drivers print very small characters and other is printing with very little colour (the printing is grey).
Are there any Canon drivers that work wireless or what Gimp driver shall I use to get the printing ok?
Thanks in advance
I have a Canon i865 that I have some problems with. The printer is connected with USB to a Windows XP computer and shared on the network.
When printing connected to the printer using USB on my MacBook Pro it all works great, the MacBook Pro is using the correct driver and the printing is very nice.
But when trying to print wireless choosing Windows printing I only see Gimp drivers. I have tried many different Canon Gimp drivers but none is working ok. Some drivers print very small characters and other is printing with very little colour (the printing is grey).
Are there any Canon drivers that work wireless or what Gimp driver shall I use to get the printing ok?
Thanks in advance
