Turning PowerMac G3 in to web server?


R.I.P bobw
Can Install something like linux on my G3 and use it as a web server, as well as using mac osx.
So linux is running in the background
You can't run Linux and MacOS X on the G3 simultaneously unless it is running Linux under Virtual PC or you have converted it to a Linux machine running Mac on Linux. However, you don't need Linux. Macs have been used as webservers since System 7 when Macs were second only to Unix as webservers. Your G3 is more powerful than anything available to private citizens back then. The US Army adopted Macs for its web servers back in the days of MacOS 9. Today, it uses MacOS X/4D WebStar. Heck, there are people who run webservers on Apple ]['s. Your G3 is a slamdunk.
Apache's already installed on Mac OS X. No need to download anything. Domain name linking... You got a fixed IP address?
First you will need a static IP to bind the DNS name you wish to use for your website. You can have more than one domain hosted on a single server, but each must have its own statis IP and domain name.
I am using wireless internet so if I just set my ip address manually and set it somewere within my ip pool will that work?
No, your wireless system will issue IP addresses within one of the restricted IP address ranges. You need a fixed IP address for you broadband connection to link a domain name to.

Also you would probably need to have the mac connected directly to the broadband rather than via a router so that it picked up the assigen IP address. You could do it via the router, but it would make it a lot more complicated.