Two big hard drive problems!


Ok, let me start out with the first problems:

After attempting to create a bootcamp configuration, I keep having the problem to where It will attempt to verify the disk.

After repeated doing "Fsck -fy", getting my mac OS X install disk and doing Disk Utility, it still has this problem.

It will claim the free space blocks are a wrong number, and it will "repair" it, but after doing it over and over, it seems to undo itself and it seems repairing won't do squat.

I heard from one source my hard drive is "just about ready to completely fail". I have already backed it up.

My second problem is I recently partitioned a hard drive with iPartition, and now it will connect to windows, but it won't connect to my mac. Why is that?

Domo Arigatou Gozaimasu
This is the same question as entered into another thread, please only put it in one spot and maybe a moderator can merge them and remove this one (the other has some response to it already).