Two Tigers who won't cope with each other.


We have 2 Mac's in the household:
1: PowerBook G4 Titanium/550MHz
2: PowerMac G4 AGP/400MHz
Both running under 10.3.9 and both equipped with an AirPort card (802 11b (Firmware version 9.52)

And we have 2 problems:

1: Internet sharing doesn't work:
The computer 1 is connected to internet via cable modem/ Ethernet cable and you can browse through it.
On computer 2 the network status is saying it is also connected via airport but none of the browsers we use (Camino, FireFox, Safari, Internet Explorer…) can reach any web sites.
However if we run computer1 on system 9.2, and we activate "software airport base" we can surf of the 2 Mac's no problem.

2: File sharing doesn't work via AirPort or ethernet under any systems

I hope someone has an idea I feel absolutely stupid not being able to connect 2 mac's when everyone is saying that that's the easiest thing in the world.
This could be a deeper problem, but I'll give you the light side of what I've had to do in the past.

(Before doing anything, repair permissions on both Macs and log out and in again)

For the Internet Sharing problem:

1. Go into system preferences on computer 1 and make sure that your firewall isn't blocking anything that obviously has to do with internet sharing.
2. Go to Internet Sharing, and make sure that it says "Share your connection from Built-In Ethernet" to computers using "AirPort".
3. On computer 2, make sure under "Network" there is an active connection to the internet via AirPort.
4. Even if everything has been shiny so far, shut down both computers. After they are down, start up computer #2, followed by computer #1. They should recognize eachother.

Note: Internet sharing generally isn't very speedy. Have patience.

For the networking problem:

1. Turn off all sharing services in the "Services" tab and restart both computers. (Leave internet sharing alone)
2. Log out computer 1, and turn on "Personal File Sharing" on computer 2.
3. Log on computer 1, and turn on "Personal File Sharing".
4. Restart both computers.

This has worked for me; good luck to you.

Edit: If you didn't know already, access to Macs over your network will show up under the "Network" tab in the side panel of your Finder window.