Typical Mircrosoft BS


Get It, BIG MAC! ::ha::
I got an Xbox for x-mass and was playing it alot. I just got Splinter Cell a cupple of weeks ago, and I love it, but its very hard, but any way. I can play this game hours on end and when I do that the box freezes up, Ahhhhhh. I can only save my game on check points. So if im allmost at the end of a very hard check point, well, I have to do it all over!

PS: Don't you guys think that Apple should come out with a system?
I remember when Windows CE came out and I observed "Only Microsoft could come out with an organiser that crashes regularly". Even after 3 revisions, they still crash doing basic tasks on a standard install.

So, when they announced the PC-based X-Box, I decided I'd rather gnaw my arm off than hand over money for such a machine.

I was also disgusted about what MS did with Halo. The Mac OS X version was in beta testing and was demonstrated at MacWorld, there were even a few demos for the Mac platform, and then M$ bought out the company and ceased development on every platform but X-Box. That sort of behaviour is what makes them so widely hated as a corporation.

I wouldn't mind seeing Apple team up with Nintendo or Sony on a project. Even if they just came out with a more consistent game hardware API for developers, with support for force-feedback and all the modern wheels, sticks and pads, and then coupled that with a nice, Apple-branded controller, then it would show that they really take their games seriously.

In the meantime, I'd be happy with a PS2 or a Nintendo. I've always rather liked Nintendo. :-)
Well keep this in mind, M$ loses something like $200 for every XBox sold. It has to pay royalties and licensing fees to the DVD world AND make a "special" PC for $200 or whatever price they sell it for. And I think it uses an NVidia or ATi graphics card which isn't going to be cheap, so buy as many XBoxen as you can just bancrupt M$. The intel processor alone is worth the price of the unit, plus there's RAM inside, oooooooo.
Guys. As much as i hate Microsoft, the XBOX is by far, the best game console out their today, when you take into account, all the features. Sure, i've seen one crash whenever trying to play Hitman 2, but nothing is crash proof. And sure, it uses a stripped down Win2k kernel. But. What other game console can you save games, and import music to a hard drive with? What other console uses a STANDARD (for once, a first for MS) port for network play, meaning the same cables/switch/hub etc used to play xbox games can also be utilised to play games and share files between computers. What other console has built-in (buy a different audio/video cable) support for HDTV & Dolby 5.1 sound? Sure. I'd prefer if Sony came out with something like this. But. They didn't. By the time PlayStation 3 comes out, Sony might have learnt from this mistake, and make an absolute killer console, that puts anything Microsoft have on offer to shame. But. As I've said before. Once i get money coming in, when it comes time to buy a console, unless there are new alternatives, it's gonna be an xbox for this little black duck.

you know m$ can find a way to screw up anything they get their hands on. they tend to create some great features and flaunt those as to why you should buy their product over anybody else's, but then those 'features' don't always work right.
i admit that we have Direct TV at our house. i wanted Tivo but she argued that it didn't have as many features as the m$ system. like all m$ products this thing requires regular reboots and updates to function properly. and it still doesn't do what it is supposed to. now Tivo has all the same features and i cuss at this thing all the time, although i would hate to be without some system that does what it does. but really needing to reboot a satelite receiver? needing to get updates to have it do what it's supposed to do from the start and not for adding new functions? who else but m$ would do this!!
and microsoft is going into cars.... what about upgrading your break system ?
Yeah, Slashdot had an article about a VERY expensive BMW that had an M$ operating system that crashed. The car essentially went into a seizure; lights flashing sporadically, trunk lid opening, very scary. Iwouldn't want to be driving 140mph on the autobahn when that happened. I think M$'s decline is just around the corner, like next year sometime as Linux starts to gain a foothold in the market place. IBM is pushing Linux very hard on its products.
what about a virus for M$-enabled cars ? send through the GPS system ? nightmare ?
hey ed... at least you don't have thier basic system (DTV) where up on the remote goes down the channels list
oh, yea, we have 1 of those as well, jet. it was what we started of with. and that is a direct tv feature. i just realized that the m$ version is called Ulitimate Tv. that's what i was really talking about. as far as i know direct Tv alone is not m$. sorry about that confusion.

Ultimate TV is the one with built in HD and digital recording.

please - people post any knowledge of anything that m$ gets involved in like car brakes. i would avoid such things at all costs. i have enough problems trusting Billy with my email, no way i want my life in his hands!!!
Isn't M$ the supplier for most of the aircraft carriers in the Gulf? Scary thought huh.