Unable to log in (not familiar upgrade problem!)


Dear MacOSX.com help forum

I am encountering a rather frustrating problem with my mac-mini, as apple support does not know what to do with it.

Out of the blue, this morning - my mac mini demanded a login at boot.
I got 2 users on my mac mini, as I access it from my iMac with remote desktop.

If I log in with any of the two users correctly, the mac mini leaves the log in screen only to enter it again. No error messages show. Should I enter the pass incorrectly, the log in screen simply vibrates as it should.

This mac mini was purchased with a clean LEOPARD updated install, and therefore none of the familiar upgrade problems should apply.

I tried to reset the passwords with the install disc with no effect.

NOW - One might just say I should make a clean install with a new user, and I will. I do however, have iTunes purchases on both my still unsynced apple tv and my mac mini, that cant be retrieved before the install?
True - I might retrieve the mac mini stuff through firewire, but whatabout the stuff I purchased on apple tv last night, still unsynced?

So - to round it up, I am ONLY this frustrated with the issue, because iTunes content is trapped, and I am not eligible for re-download.
What to do? PLEASE?