Unable to mount OS 9 partition


Hello everyone,

I have a very very severe problem, and I hope that you can help me...

I have both OS 9 and OS X installed on seperate partitions with HFS+ and UFS file system. The last time I worked in OS 9, it crashed while running Limewire... I had to reset because "Option-Alt-Escape" freezed my system (no suprise)... Then I started up and. unexpetedly, it started MAC OS X, altought the MAC OS 9 partition was activated (!!!)... During the login process a message box was saying me, that the MAC OS 9 volume couldn't be mounted suggesting that I should start Disk Utililty in order to check it.
I did so, and Disk Utility gave me the following information:

Verifying disk "MAC OS 9".
Checking HFS Plus volume.
Invalid extent file PEOF
The volume needs to be repaired.
Verify completed.

Repairing disk "MAC OS 9".
Checking HFS Plus volume.
Invalid extent file PEOF
Repair completed.

My question, what does that mean? What would you suggest to do?
well, now that i just wrote you a treatise on repair programs, let me add that osx does not run properly on a UFS file system and repair programs will not work on it. There are many threads on this site about the troubles people have had using ufs. sorry, but this isn't linux or even a real unix. it is a mac os and functions most reliably on hfs+.

i empathize with you. you have got yourself into a jam. it might help if you post your complete specs and exactly how you are setup (internal or external drives, drives vs partitions, etc.)
I think Ed mis-read your post. Your problem is with your Mac OS 9 HFS+ partition, as I read it. You've tried to repair that partition and it appears you've done so successfully. That you were able to repair it indicates that the partition had to have been mounted. In any case a broken extents file shouldn't cause it to fail mounting. Could it be that the partition is mounting but you just can't boot into 9?
Negative ... MAC OS X can't mount my OS 9 volume ... neither boot from it ...
I just can't access it any more.

Do you know some sophisticated repair tools?

BTW, here is my complete setup:

Partition 1: MAC OS 9 (HFS+)
Partition 2: Testvolume (OS 9, HFS+)
Partition 3: MAC OS X (UFS)

All of them are bootable .... (should be)

G4 400 with 192 Ram, one hard drive (20GB)

that is all...

suggestions??? (I mean other than complete re-install)

Thanks in advance
doing a clean install is always an option if you are willing to give up all the data on the partition. In the long run, you might want to consider investing in one of the repair programs i mentioned in the other thread. these kinds of problems have a way of recurring. If you don't keep valuable data on any of them, then it is a matter of preferences. 'nix people seem to prefer reformatting and reinstalling while mac old timers like myself can't stand it. I would rather pop in a repair disk and go do something else for a few hours if neccesary, than to sit and oversee an install and update session.

i should mention that i personally have never run any of them on a partitioned drive. i haven't used partitions since os 7. 5.x.

and to clarrify, i didn't misread the first post. i understood the problem and i also know that if your extent file was screwed up, there are probably other advanced volume structures screwed up that disk utility doesn't catch. It is only a very simple basic repair program for the most common corruptions. recognition of a drive is ussually something wrong with the active system disk. you need to start by repairing the other 2.