Uninstalling Classic in OS X


Is there a "proper" way to uninstall the Classic environment in OS X beside dragging the OS 9 folder to the trash? I'd like to remove Classic, but I was wondering if there was another/better way of doing so.

Thanks in advance for your responses!
Deleting classic by this quick and dirty method of trashing that ancient OS 9 folder won't hurt X. Trash away!
Originally posted by vitaboy
Is there a "proper" way to uninstall the Classic environment in OS X beside dragging the OS 9 folder to the trash? I'd like to remove Classic, but I was wondering if there was another/better way of doing so.

Thanks in advance for your responses!

fuck OS 9

open terminal

rm -rf '/System Folder'

problem solved
Sending OS 9 to Trash: Does anyone know what this does to the Appleworks application? It's my understand that Appleworks resides in OS 9 and there is some magical way it is accessed via X after installing the Appleworks 6.2.9 update.
I've never heard of AppleWorks in OS X using OS 9 files. I've used it on several systems without OS 9 installed, so I know it will function without it.

However, if you use Classic, there may be important personal data stored within your System Folder, most likely in the "Preferences" folder. You might want to back up your System Folder (maybe just zip it) before trashing it, just in case.
Thanks, Mikuro. It is reassuring to know that it will work without OS 9. I need to free up hard drive space on my daughter's old ibook. She doesn't really use the OS 9 files, except for the Appleworks. I've noticed on my own old ibook that Appleworks has a folder outside of the Applications folders of either 9 or X. I guess I can put the OS 9 System folder in the trash, and make sure everything still functions before I empty it?
... I need to free up hard drive space on my daughter's old ibook. ...
MacOS X needs 10% of your hard drive capacity available as free space so that its virtual memory system has adequate headroom. Deleting Classic is a temporary stopgap measure at best. My MacOS 9 System Folder is only 308 MB and I have a lot of stuff in it. The space freed by deleting it would hardly be noticed. You need a new hard drive. They are cheap. Get one. You will make your daughter very happy.
Thanks, MisterMe.
I installed a new hard drive on my own clamshell ibook a couple of years ago. It's a pretty complicated operation, and I'm reluctant to take hers apart, in case something should go wrong. She has another computer, a nice Imac DV, which I'm getting back up to speed for her with new memory and a new OS. That will be her main one, and the ibook will be just for portable uses.
I agree with you about the new hard drive, though. It doesn't just give you more storage, but also makes the system run faster. It's like having a new computer.