unknown apps and preferences panels? ("white pasge" icon instead of original one)


for some reason, my MS Word icon is displayed as a white page, you know, like an application-unknown file, but MS Excell and MS Powerpoint arent, they have *their* icon, but all three were copied the same day on the computer

idem dito for every single extension, well, okay, it's not a big deal, BUT, FOR THE PANELS (I think that's the name), they are all in "white page icon" too, so when I start Classic, and the Starter ("Lanceur" in French, it's a window that can lauch files, kind of Dock), it is in white page too, and it's like that in the Dock, too, and it's so annoying for me!
I can't reinstall any OS since it's already last one (9.2.2) and I can't uninstall it since it's not the "main" OS (OS X is)

I know, very confusing and not so clear, but if you can understand a thing of what I wrote, could you answer and tell me how I could at least repear the icons?

btw, I have two other Macs, both with OS 9.1 -no X- and I can "connect" via 100 Mb Zip cards.

thank you