Unknown audio file


I have a audio file from an EPOC 5mx/ericsson MC210. When I transfer that file to my computer it has no suffix such as .wav or similar.

How can I find out what the format the audio file is?

I thought it would be a wva file, but soundconverter will not accept/convert the file. This file is very important to me so I have to find a way to conver it to a wav or similar audio.
if i am not mistaken, it has it's own proprietary file type (meaning that only sony ericsons can play it)
the t610 has polyphonic ringtones as well and when I tried to upload a song over bluetooth, I had to use midi files. But I am not that sure anymore
Ericsson MC218 is not a phone, its a small hand computer. Its not midi, but a normal recording/sound file.
its a ABR file i dont know what will play it But i know it is that ( applogies for the lack of full stops my Lappy keyboard has no full stop key!!)
What is a ABR file? And whats the suffix for ABR .abr? Also the ericsson file can be saved compressed or un compresed.
its the music format that Erricson phones use. .abr is the suffix i dont know of a player that will player or decompress it