Basically when I try to boot it up, there's a grey screen with a dark grey
apple in the centre and a little spinning wheel (which you can usually move
around with the mouse). Normally after a few seconds that screen changes to
a blue screen and then into the desktop. However, mine is stuck on the grey
screen (and you can't move the cursor with the mouse). At the same time the
fan keeps getting louder and louder til it sounds like a jet engine.
Last night when I was using Safari (a web browser), the programme seized up
a few times, the beachball just kept spinning. Then I tried rebooting and had the problem.
I have a PowerMac G5 and I'm running the
operating system (OS) 10.3 or Panther.
Anuy ideas?
apple in the centre and a little spinning wheel (which you can usually move
around with the mouse). Normally after a few seconds that screen changes to
a blue screen and then into the desktop. However, mine is stuck on the grey
screen (and you can't move the cursor with the mouse). At the same time the
fan keeps getting louder and louder til it sounds like a jet engine.
Last night when I was using Safari (a web browser), the programme seized up
a few times, the beachball just kept spinning. Then I tried rebooting and had the problem.
I have a PowerMac G5 and I'm running the
operating system (OS) 10.3 or Panther.
Anuy ideas?