Unmount disk image/external drive/flash


I am having problems ejecting/unmounting drives. When I click on the eject button, the drive/disk image disappears from the desktop but stays in the Sidebar but it becomes unselectable. The only way to remove the drive/disk image is to reboot. Sometimes I get the following error message:

The operation could not be completed.

An unexpected error occurred (error code -36).

Thanks in advance!


MacBook Pro 15.4"
2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Mac OS X 10.5.3
AFAIK, you are unmounting the drive and although it disappears from your screen (unmounted), it will stay in your sidebar as a shortcut/alias to the drive for future access.

IMHO, leave it there and use it whenever you connect the drive ....

Whenever I unmount my ext HDs, they disappear from the desktop but are visible in Disc Utility. But it is safe for me to disconnect the ext HD cable from my iMac and I never see the Warning message that a device was incorrectly removed.

Also I have icons for my mounted shares in my Finders Menubar which show as a ? when the shares are unmounted and when the Network is active and I click on the ?, the icon changes to the default network share icon. This is how I like to do it. I could also choose to have the shares added to the Sidebar in Finder but I don't.
