update_prebinding crashes


When I run update_prebinding from the Terminal window, it crashes.
I type the command:
update_prebinding -verbose -force -root
and immediately I get the error message:
update_prebinding[492] *** Uncaught exception: <NSInvalidArgumentException> [NSPlaceholderString initWithUTF8String:]: NULL cString
Trace/BPT trap
Does any one know what this means or seen it before, or could give me any indication of how to fix it?
You need to add the directory you wish update_prebinding to work from after -root (if you want to do the whole drive, add / after -root). It's expecting that, and since it wasn't there, it's barfing over a null string.
If you're running Jaguar, you don't need to manually update the prebindings because the system will do it periodically for you, as well as any time you install a new application.