

Rusher of Din
How often is it good to run this command? Is it something that would do well to be run as a cron job?
It depends on how often you install software or update existing installations. Personally, I have added the update_prebinding command to the /etc/weekly script, so it runs as root once per week.
Thanks, that makes sense. Btw, is it normal to get a lot of errors from running it? Messages like "No such file or directory", segments overlapping, etc. In the end, it says "0 files successfully prebound" and x number unsuccessfully prebound.

Strange. Are you running the command as root? I get no errors when running it. Here is what I have in my /etc/weekly script:

# Added to speed application launch times
update_prebinding -verbose -force -root /
Interesting. I ran it before with sudo, so this time did it as root, with the command above. First time I did
'update_prebinding -root /'. Now I get "1292 files successfully prebound, 54 files unsuccessfully prebound."
Ah, thanks for that link. Very interesting. Where I am having some issues, hopefully they are just things that will be fixed in 10.2.1.