Updating software problem


I just recently updated my Adobe software(to 6) but for some reason my old software(5) keeps opening up my applications. I've have the same problems with other updates as well. What do I need to do to kill the old versions???
G4 450 OS 10.2.8
iMac 800 OS 10.2.8
You can remove the old program or, get information (select icon, command + i) on a filetype that you want to open in the new program. (i.e. .psd for photoshop) then choose the open with tab. Then choose your new program from the list (may have to choose other... and locate it). Finally click the change all button.

Every icon you double click with the .psd extension, for example, will be open with the new version of the program. You will have to repeat this for every type of filetype you want to be able to double click and have open with the new program.