Updating Video Card Drivers?


I have a G5 Quad with an Nvidia Geforce 7800 GT video card (installed by Apple at the time of purchase). I wanted to see if there were any new/updated drivers for my card, but when I go to Nvidia's website the card is not listed, nor are any Mac drivers that I can see. I checked Apple's site, CNET Downloads, and Google, but I'm coming up with nothing.

How are the drivers for video cards updated? Are the drivers included in various OS updates? Am I just looking in the wrong places?


G5 Quad, Mac OS X (10.4.8), 4 GB RAM, Geforce 7800 GT Video Card, 500 GB HD
you don't update nvidia video drivers on macs. they are part of the os, so they get updated when the os is updated, thats it. this is because apple writes the drivers, not nvidia. ati on the other had does write its apple drivers, which is why they will have updates for their mac vid cards on their sites.