Upgrade Problems


Staff member
We are having issues with upgrading our vbulletin software to the latest version and may experience some up/down issues in relation to it. If you notice any weirdness while the board is up, please reply to this thread with what you see.


I was in the News and Rumor forum, trying to post a reply to a thread. I composed my reply, submitted it, and got directed to a press3 site with a 404 error. I went back to my reply and tried to resubmit. Same problem. I went back and clicked on the link to take me back to the News and Rumors forum. Same page with the 404 message.

Finally I used my bookmark to go back to MacOSX.com, found the thread, made the reply, and it worked.

Weird. :eek:
I tried to connect to these forums directly from Press3.com with no luck at all, the MacOSX.com way worked perfectly fine though. :(
That's the weird part. I never went through any press3 links. I was just using the links within the macosx.com site. Somehow I was being routed to press3 pages. :confused: