Upgrading Apache


Does anyone know, or has anyone done, of a way to upgrade the Apache server on OS X Jaguar Server so that we can have suEXEC support? We tried installing 1.3.27 over the existing one, but it fails to load some of the apple modules. Ican't enable the modules because the configure script cannot find the .c sources. Or does anyone know where to find apple modules for compilation?
This is what we used to start the configuration:

./configure --with-layout=Darwin --enable-suexec --enable-module=rewrite --enable-shared=rewrite --enable-module=most --enable-shared=max --add-module=/usr/libexec/httpd/mod_auth_apple.so --enable-shared=mod_auth_apple.so

There are no mod_auth_apple.c files anywhere on the server. There are also others it can't find when trying to restart the server.

Any ideas?