upgrading my G5


I have a G5 dual 2ghz PowerPC (the version with the 8 ram slots)...

I have it configured with 4x 256mb ram and 2x 512mb to tally 2GB ram, I have a 250GB HD and the geforce 5200.

I do a lot of hefty scanning - we are talking 500mb scans, so I often have vuescan and photoshop running with safari and mail open too, with two monitors...

It does struggle a fair amount, especially when I am editing and scanning at the same time - vuescan uses quite a bit of ram, as does photoshop - it uses most of the 2GB I have, let alone the other programs.

I do close mail and safari - safari takes a fair amount if I recall correctly... anyway, if I get another 1GB or 2GB of ram to fit into the spare two slots I still have, will OSX be able to manage 3BG or 4GB across all these programs, or will it only ever use 2GB unless running command line apps?

Also I am looking at getting a backup drive - is my G5 a SATA? I have been looking at the lacie 500GB drives, maybe getting 2x 250GB drives and keeping one free for important backups... any advice on a good HD?

And Aperture doesnt run on my 5200, so I was thinking of getting the 6600...? Will this be a good card for Aperture? How much does it rely on the GPU? I have read its speed is very dependant on the graphics...

Thanks for any feedback.

- Elliot
I believe each program can only use 4 GB of RAM in Tiger, so 8 GB would be all you could need for 2 apps..
Make sure that you get the correct RAM for your PowerMac, they are pretty fussy, need to be matched, etc.
I believe that all PowerMac G5s are SATA.