upgrading the graphiccard on ibook


Hi folks

I am looking for the new Macosx 10.2 Jaguar os. unfortunatly I read I need at least 16mb of gra-ram for the quartz extreme.
What if it's not working on my machine? Would I have any kind of speed increase?
Since I got the 2002 ibook (in the beginning of 2002), I just have 8mb. IS there any chance to upgrade the ibook graphic-card?

And since I am talking about upgrading, what else can I upgrade beside ram and harddisk on my sexy ibook?

tnx a lot!
Not much, buddy. Laptops are definately not meant to be upgraded. The graphics chips and video ram are connected to the motherboard, there's no replacing/upgrading possibilities.

Ram is the only thing you 'should' upgrade, but you can also upgrade the hard drive and cd-rom drive if you want to void the warranty.

As for Jaguar and Quartz Extreme, I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you. Granted it won't be taken advantage of, but you'll still see a speed increase in 10.2. Only thing you can really do is buy a new Mac if you want QE.
If you're really adventurous you can overclock the processor ... but that's really not worth it since the main bottle-neck on the iBook is the RAM and hard-disk. Also, overclocking would void the warranty, increase the battery consumption and is much more technical than most upgrades (requiring specific components to be carefully removed and relocated on the motherboard itself).

As for the graphics, there is no way to update the graphic chipset on the iBook. It will perform better under 10.2 than 10.1, and will give pretty good performance on all but the most demanding games.

Maxing out the RAM will speed it up a lot, and will also take a lot of the load off the processor and hard-drive, resulting in an overall speed improvement. You can fit a single 512mb SODIMM in addition to the 128 that the iBook has built-in. This is pricey, but worthwhile.
tnx guys for your replys.

So, since I am aming to let macosx 10.2 run at least not slower than now, I don't have to do any upgrading. To be honest, macosx 10.1.5 is running quite fine, since I have 256mb of ram.
but would I improve more speed when I go for 640mb of ram? If so, than I think I should go for it. But I am not one of those graphic-freaks having 20 progs running at the same time and using huge pics and videos.
Mostly I watch divx-movies and dvd with it and using Office X stuff.
So, if that ram would speed up those things as well (on macosx 10.2) I think I should go for it.

And btw, I know, this issue is not related to this topic, but is it a matter of ram, that complex powerpoint presentations run really slow? I got Office X and have all updates

tnx guys
Hey, if you're not running a lot of apps at once, 256 should be plenty and there really wouldn't be much improvement in an upgrade.

As for PowerPoint, no idea. Perhaps it is a little memory hungry with complex presentations, especially since it wil be animating several vectors and fonts at once. If you're making these PPT files, I'd suggest trying out an export to QuickTime (I think you still get all the functionality of a PPT file). Who knows?