Upgrading to System 0X at last


Hi people, first post.
I have happly worked on my quicksilver G4 on System 9.2.2. till now.
When I first got the machine it had System X installed but I had an harddrive problem and the tech guy provided me with larger HD but did not partitioned it and worse didnt re install OS X. I did use 9.2.2. cause all my applies where for it but now it is crucial I upgrade because I need to finish a job (fast!) for which I must have Flash 8 that as you all know wont run on 9. Let alone downloading anything in dmg nowdays....

Now I have not got a clue is there is any rules of thumbs to keep in mind because I cannot mess up the system now in the middle of this job.

I have read somewhere that I must make sure that some folders (system, applications etc) are renamed if I want to keep both systems on.

I hope someone can tell me what safe procedure to follow to install the System.

Please help, I am truly stuck and I cannot afford to swap completely to OS X because of the applications I need running.

Thanx a bientot j'espere
well, you could add a second hard drive and install os x on it, that would be the safest way to do it. but you should be able to just install os x on your current hard drive, and the installer will do what ever needs to be done to allow both oses run happy. this is because os x uses a different file system. so they are in different folders. just remember that when in os 9, do not delete any files you don't recognize, the most important being ones that start with a period (.). just be sure to back up everything before installing os x just in case.
MacOS 9.2.2 and MacOS X do not necessarily use different file systems. Both operating systems use the Mac-standard HFS+ file system. If you don't want MacOS 9 boot-compatibility, you have additional options your MacOS X file system. However, acsigirl wants to boot both, so HFS+ it is. MacOS X is designed to be installed over MacOS 9. Installing MacOS X does not adversely affect MacOS 9 in any way. They work well when installed on the same partition. You may install MacOS X on a different partition, but it is by no means necessary. In any event, the MacOS 9 installation will become the MacOS X Classic environment.
back up your files first , thats a better way ... or maybe install it on another partition , i you have ...
OS X installation was _always_ ready to preserve a previous OS 9 installation, so nothing _should_ go wrong, if you simply install OS X. I agree that backups _are_ important in such a process however.

Basically, you just pop the OS X installation disk in, boot from it and follow the on-screen instructions. OS 9 should then be available as both the Classic environment within OS X as well as bootable as an optional OS.

But *FIRST* make sure that the latest firmware for the Mac is installed!
At a minimum, you should have a "System Folder' folder and an 'Applications (Mac OS 9)' folder [if you have only an 'Applications' folder rename it 'Applications (Mac OS 9)'].

When MacOS X 10.x is installed a 'System' folder and an 'Applications' folder are created, along with other visible and invisible items on your boot drive. As long as there is an 'Applications (Mac OS 9)' folder - for your 'System 9.x' applications, prior to the MacOS X installation - there will be no conflict or loss.

Yes, it would not hurt to back up the current configuration, prior to the MacOS X installation process.

Note: The first time you launch 'System 9.x' under MacOS X, as 'Classic', you will notified of needed modifications. That is ok, since only a few files are installed in the 'System Folder' folder. These added files assist MacOS X in crippling 'System 9.x' when used as 'Classic'.
Should you reboot the Mac - to boot from 'System 9.x', the crippling effect will not take place.

Do not be surprised if several (non-MacOS X) applications cannot open (run, launch) via 'Classic'. You will have to reboot the Mac - to boot from 'System 9.x', to once again use those applications.
OS X renames the old folders correctly when you install, you don't have to do that by hand.
Where have my latest post gone? Those about firewire and external HD? Oh dear
BTW thanx...feel more confident now