Urgent help needed!!!!


Hey all

I've set up a network in work. All OS X. Works really well.

In a room there is a computer with 10.2 and one running 9.2. It still runs 9.2 because a couple of applications I need have not migrated yet.

I'm using 1 keyboard, mouse & monitor for both, using a USB Adder switch.

I am trying to connect from the 9.2 to 10.2. I have made a user account for the connecting computer in 10.2. I can connect to 10.2 using the Chooser on the computer with 9.2, but when I try and access a shared drive I get a 'File Sharing Extension error 10' and it freezes.

Or, if I use the 9.2 computer to connect, then switch back to 10.2 using the Adder switch, i get the same error.

Pleeeeeeeeeeease help!!!! I'll get sacked otherwise!!!! :(
I hadn't read it. Thanks, but it didn't help I'm afraid.

Yup, tried Disk First Aid, it's restarted looooads of times. Does the same thing every time.

Would keeping a keyboard plugged in help? Or is it ok working with 1 keyboard for the 2 computers and switching between?

Thanks again
Originally posted by twister
Tried restarting?
lol :eek:

I'm not trying to cause trouble, but that's OS 9 he's talking about. If it was "freezing" then he had no choice but to restart.

...How quickly we all forget these unpleasant little > OS X details. :p
For some strange reason Mac OS X (10.2) doesn't like Mac OS 9.2 via normal AppleTalk. For connecting from 9.2 to 10.2 click the Server IP Address... in the Chooser after selecting the AppleShare icon. Enter the IP address of the system you want to connect to, and the user and password info, an you'll be connected. The alias in the Recent Servers submenu has the IP address information stored so you don't need to use the Chooser again (if you don't want).

In my experience it seems this is only needed for Mac OS 9.2. I know Mac OS 8.6 and 8.1 connect just fine via AppleTalk, and I think 9.0 and 9.1 do also.


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