US school to drop macs?

My school loves macs. Our graphics, and video, departments work with Macs only. It's really amazing how great the stuff we have is...I've been planning on taking picture but have not gotten around to it.

Yea, anyway, Virginia is messed up.
Well all i know is that my school wont be getting rid of there macs anytime soon, they are far too reliable in comparison to there winbloze counterparts. Anyone see the link on that page about the FBI's computer intrusion investigation unit uses macs with OS X? Click Me!
Maybe it's the myDoom, maybe it's Egypt, maybe it's just my lousy dial-up, but I haven't be able to read any of the several links that you've posted connecting to I've been trying for two days... :(

Does anyone else have a problem
I try to be polite, I try to be accommodating, congenial and the very image of diplomacy, but when I hear people rattling on about how great Microsoft Windows is, I don't whether to give them a sweet uppercut to the jaw or laugh at them .. or maybe both[?]

PC's are an abomination. My college -- an arts & design college -- was full from top to bottom with macs.

Did we have an IT guy? Yeah, right! The students looked after them.

One of the heads of another department [probably engineering or something] from another college site / campus came down with his head of IT to see how they could "cut cost, save time and increase productivity".

Denis, my tutor was a little bemused by their request, but he showed them round all the same.

These two guys just could not believe what they were seeing; a completely self-sustaining computing environment. No viruses, only the occasional crash [thanks largely to OS 8.6 and me being the one to set the macs up in the first place] and generally just computing nirvana.

From their site / campus, they had twelve full-time IT staff serving a third less computers than we had.

This was over 8 years ago. Anyone going to tell me this has changed?..
In Switzerland, there are voices saying that it makes not much sense to have Macs in schools, since people will have to learn using Windows later, anyway. The Mac has had a very strong presence in our schools traditionally (in my entire school time, which with a teaching education was about 14 years, I only used Macs), but Apple Switzerland didn't seem to do much about the change. Nowadays, schools decide to "rather buy 20 PCs than 10 Macs", which sounds reasonable, but in effect isn't really. Just thinking about it makes me angry. The Macs may have been more expensive, but the pay-off has been far better than with the PCs, mostly because they last longer (that's a fact...) and because the teachers feel more _comfortable_ with the Macs. Which in effect gives the students a better experience. Also, traditionally, there hasn't been much need for tech support (because of using Macintosh), now money is lost everywhere. The purchase of computers is only a small part of the overall money that is spent for computers in education.
fryke said:
In Switzerland, there are voices saying that it makes not much sense to have Macs in schools, since people will have to learn using Windows later, anyway...

You have to consider that IT department heads are going to be resistant to any new system that is likely to make things easier. It sounds bizarre but if they choose a computing platform that is more stable, less susceptible to viral attack and has a much lower TCO, they're out of a job.

It's in their interests to support a poor, dilapidated clunky platform that increases the myriad number of support staff, MCSE certificates, trainee IT engineers .. there's a whole industry in their, the mac kills it off in one fell swoop...