US versus Iraq

mr. k

I just wanted to start a general discussion on the seemingly forthcoming US war aginst Iraq. This seemed like a good forum to post it, there is a varied international community that will have interesting views on what the others have to say.

I think that the disarming of Iraq is important, but I can't see a good outcome coming from the war. In the inspection reports read by Hans Blix the other day, he said there was little found except for a few missiles not capable of reaching very far and unmanned aircraft. I believe Iraq is in the process of destroying the missiles.
But let's assume two extreme positions: that Iraq is a) in posession/development of no weapons whatsoever or b) in aggressive delevopment and posession of weapons of mass destruction. Either way, if the US does invade Iraq, either a) the only outcome of the bloodshed is a regime change (democracy would not be bad, but would would it take to establish? I will talk about that later) and there would be loss of life on both sides. But if there is a remote proximity to situation b), and Iraq is in fact hiding and developing harmful weapons there could be a devestating fight in Iraq, followed by massive retaliation by the US. I know sometimes war becomes neccessary, but I don't think it is here. I think potential risks outwiegh benefits.
And why is the White House going after a failing, comparitevly weak regime when countries like N. Korea, Pakistan, and India also are known to have Nuclear weapons? N. Korea's cult-like national attitude and militaristic attitude seems too much like Japan's before world war 2. Pakistan has been distributing nukes to other nations and who knows what else.
I say do with Iraq what the US did with Stalin and Soviet Russia... Let it die. There are other, younger threats emerging that should be dealt with.
I am a Conservative... I support the War in Iraq... This is all I will post on this topic... if you want... go to my website... and than we can talk

But not here.
Is this the right place to voice political views?? I realize this is a forum, but I thought it was a forum for discussing Macs and computers.

Or am I just off my rocker?
dixonbm - this is the cafe. it is the correct place for discussing just about anything that doesn't have to do with macs and computers. the topic is ok. it's just that we already have about 4 threads going on this subject. mr. k might have been better off to have added his thoughts to one of those instead of starting a new thread. but hey, if people want to discuss it with him, then we'll let them. ;)
All I'll comment on is Pakistan and India...the nukes each have is practically the only reason there isn't a war there...both are too scared of consequences to attack...disarm one and hell would break loose.
Originally posted by Sirtovin
I am a Conservative... I support the War in Iraq... This is all I will post on this topic... if you want... go to my website... and than we can talk

But not here.

I am conservative too, and even the most conservative European (the Pope) is against the war the way it is announced. War may be a way to reach a result. This is not a sufficient solution. It can be part of a process, it is not a goal in itself.
Hello mr. K,

The topic is OK and this is an interesting place to have it debated, you are right. However, we already had extensive discussions about Iraq here.
The threads you should look for if you want to learn what memebers feel about the war are entitled:
- "Is war justified ?"
- "Is war ever justified ?"
- (Another one with the word 'veto' in it I think)
Those are approximative titles. The threads come with polls, so you'll have some reulsts to view out.

For my own, I am not a pacifist, but I am against war on Iraq (I'm French, BTW ;)).
I think that there are peaceful means to bring Iraq to disarm. The comparison you make with USSR and Iraq is not bad at all. A more recent example would be South Africa.

The topic has been so much treated here I'll end my post now and let you read what has been previously said.
I do support the war but for very different reasons than most. My views are based on Bush's true views as well as most currency traders, not what the ordinary citizen thinks this war is about. If it truly was about a crazed murder every European country would be with us. This war is about "oil currency" If we do not win this war and do not put a puppet government into Iraq and are able restandardize on the dollar instead of the Euro and somehow change Iran and North Koreas mind so they too switch back to the dollar we will be o.k. for a few more years. If we do lose or if the remaining OPEC nations do not like what we we have done, by 2005 the remaining OPEC nations will have standardized on the euro for their oil currency. If this does happen not only will it be necessary for Japan to sell most of their U.S. security notes but our dollar will have been devalued by about 30% and inflation will have been on the rise for a good 16 months.

Unfortunetly, the only way out of this slump and bringing those countries into this war is agreeing to create a global monetary unit that can bridge the Atlantic. Yes, our dollar will be devalaued a bit, but not by the 30 to 40 percent that will occur otherwise. After this happens OPEC will be forced to re-think their plans. The only one we can blame at this time is Nixon who de-linked the U.S. dollar with the gold standard...don't blame Bush, Clinton or even L.B.J. Of course we can blame our media who doesn't really report the truth but creates it. Of course if the real reason came out we would probably have mass panic and a run to U.S. banks like never seen before... good luck to all.
There is some truth in what you say, moav. Unfortunately for you, economy does not work as simply as that: Iraq has no such weigth in oil markets, you should turn towards Iran to understand who holds most oil resources.

Plus, it is obvious Bush and his admin., as well as 'most currency traders' (you mean the American ones ?) are biased sources. Bush has already proved dummy on many economical points.

May I propose you refer to the 5 Nobel Prizes (incl. Stiglitz, BTW) and 400 economists who signed a common declaration which stated war on Iraq would be a complete disaster for the US economy.

Finally, if you need some more reliable sources, you may turn to Alan Greenspan, who openly reckoned he had serious doubts about Bush's pre and pot-war reforms.