USB as network interface


Hey y'all,

Well - just got myself a Sharp Zaurus SL5500G and read in the manuals that under Linux and Windows you use a USB port as the network interface which is how you can connect to/communicate with the Zaurus.
Does anyone know whether this has been done with MacOSX b4? If not, has anyone written a USB or Network driver and could give me an idea of how difficult it would be to implement one for this purpose??
Any input much appreciated.


Is that a cable modem or DSL or something? Don't know that you'll have much luck with that unless Zaurus (?) writes an OS X driver--not likely.

... is a really cool PDA from Sharp that runs Linux :) Hence the next best thing than Apple releasing a PDA running a mobile version of OS X (Darwin core with a cut down Aqua) (now *that* would be cool).
I'm pretty sure that Sharp won't be doing a driver for it - but I was hoping someone here had used a USB port as a NW port b4. Perhaps I'll move this over to programming, as its probably going to mean a new driver ... ah well, here's hoping :)

Can it use a CF Ethernet card? If so, you can just circumvent USB altogether, and get much more usefulness out of the Linux handheld anyway. That's probably what I would do, personally.
It does have CF. And there are wireless and wired solutions. Given as I have a wireless NW set up here, that's what I will eventually go for - but I need to save for a wee bit first. In the meantime I was hoping to use the USB ... as it stands, I've found out that you need a kernel patch to get it working on Linux - so I'm guessing it will involve writing a driver for Mac OS X to get this working. If I do ever get a spare moment I'll have to dealve into the documentation and see what's involved ... I *may* be able to use the Linux source as a pointer to what needs doing. Anyway - if I *do* ever manage it I'll report back :)
