USB flash storage media ("disks")

What's your PRIMARY external data storage device?

  • Floppy Disk

  • CD-R/W

  • DVD-R

  • USB Flash Media

  • FireWire Disk

  • SCSI Disk

  • DAT Tape

  • Hardcopy Print Media (I don't believe it :))

  • Other (please specify)

Results are only viewable after voting.


B.A. Economics (Hon)
I just got a Universal Smart Drive ( 16MB, and am about to return it for a 32MB.

Does anyone else use USB storage media like this? Mine works with MacOS X, Classic, Windows 98-XP so it's pretty cool!
I use Zip Disks (100 MB) and CD-R...

You should have made this a multi choice poll :)

But I wouldn't mind having one of those USB keychain things for quick transfer.
i voted firewire disk since i have 2 of them and use them the most but you can read my sig for all my externals
dricci, I checked the "Multiple Choice" box but when I previewed the poll it cleared it and i didn't notice until after I'd submitted it; that option can't be changed by themacko haha!