
I have a USB WACOM tablet and USB sync for my Palm PDA. The problem is when I restart my computer both items arn't reconized and to get them to work I need to unplug and re-plug them back into the USB port, what a pain. I have the lastest upgrades. I running OS 10.2.3 on a 1.25 dual. Anyone have this issue?
i had this problem with the tablet at one point. as i remember it was a bug in a driver update and wacom released another version pretty quickly that fixed it. i'd report it to them if i were you. might want to send word about your sync to the proper folks too.
ED, no luck with the lastest driver update. Still need to unplug and replug. It's not so bad since I use the keyboard port. The sync however only works being pluged into the back port, that's a pain. My It guy said he thought since that USB is slow and the computer being very fast so that when the mac looks for the USB devices at startup the USB signal is missed by the computer. So that's why you need to re-plug in your USB. I'm not sure I go along with that, but one wonders.
have you reinstalled the upgrades of the device drivers? your IT guys explanation makes no sense to me or alot more people would be having the problem. have you run a real repair app and defragmented lately. doing so often helps with process searching problems. i'm aa diskwarrior/plus optimizer fan myself, but techtool pro and drive 10 work well also.
I have the same problem with all my USB peripherals (printer and optical mouse). I put it down to the fact that I have a USB PCI card (on an old G3 with G4 Zif) which just has bugs with 10.2. I get frequent system hangs as well, where I never did in 10.1, and the Finder burning to CD does nt work with ht eexternal CD burner (laCie).

My work around is to have everything plugged into a self-powered USB hub on the desk next to me. When I start up, I just need to switch on the hub again, and everything comes online. Much better than bending down under the desk to to unplug peripherals behind. Less than ideal though. Again, 10.1 did not have this problem.
