USB maybe not so universal!


I've been given a 'Seagate DiskStor' usb external hard drive which is really intended for Windows PCs, but thinking that USB (1.1) is universal I figured that it might well work on my iMac (600, OSX 10.1.2, 9.2.2). I've tested it on a PC and after going through the usual Windows rituals of installing ten thousand drivers, it mounts up and works fine. OK its as slow as a three-legged donkey but so what, its a free 20 Gbyte drive.

Have attached the drive to the Mac trying both a direct connection and via a powered USB hub but no joy either in OSX or 9. The drive doesn't mount and neither does the disk utility(ies) acknowledge its existance. Hunting around versiontracker and various bulletin boards, I found and downloaded a 'Cyprus' OSX driver which is supposed to work for some USB external drives. This driver appears to have added a couple of kext files to my system but still no working disk.

Strangely enough if I fire up VPC on the Mac then Windows detects new hardware and wants to install drivers. I didn't have the driver disk with me when I tried this so I couldn't complete the installation but the fact that the disk was detected makes me think that the problem is with OSX drivers rather than any hardware incompatabilities.

I'd appreciate any ideas that anyone may have.

Thanks in advance