Configure USB to 9 pin Serial adapter for connecting Apple Powerbook running OS X to a rack mounted server serial port console via minicom
I bought a DB-9 Serial Adapter High Speed 230K USB SERIAL RS-232 from for $16.95. I then downloaded the drivers for the Prolific chipset it uses:
I found this post of which I'm going to quote the relevant portions here in case the link doesn't work in the future:
Next I needed minicom. I already had fink installed ( so all I had to do was go to a command line and type 'fink install minicom'. The next part was a bit tricky because for me, as 'minicom -s' didn't seem to work, so I had to edit my own default minicom config file /sw/etc/minirc.dfl which I'm including here:
(Oh, I think I might have also had to use 'ctrl-a-z' to ensure all the settings were correct. You'll obviously have to get the baud, parity, stop bits, and flow control correct for your device. Sorry that I can't help you there, but it is well beyond the scope of this document.)
Good luck! It's a real joy once you get it to work!
I bought a DB-9 Serial Adapter High Speed 230K USB SERIAL RS-232 from for $16.95. I then downloaded the drivers for the Prolific chipset it uses:
I found this post of which I'm going to quote the relevant portions here in case the link doesn't work in the future:
It was somewhat helpful, but I didn't need to modify .plist files because it already matched my system profiler, nor did I need to run kextload as the system took care of it. All I had to do was plugin the adapter to the USB port, and an 'ls' of /dev showed me /dev/tty.usbserial0.The chip inside the device is made by Prolific Technology. It's their PL-2303 USB serial controller. They also have an OS X driver for the chip. This driver works, but needs one little tweak:
After installing the package, go to /System/Library/Extensions/ProlificUsbSerial.kext. Edit the Contents/Info.plist file. Change the idProduct and idVendor numbers to match those you get from the Apple System Profiler (for mine, the Product is 8200 and the Vendor is 1367).
Having done all that, you can now kextload ProlificUsbSerial.kext and see /dev/tty.usbserial show up whenever the dongle is plugged in. Enjoy!
Next I needed minicom. I already had fink installed ( so all I had to do was go to a command line and type 'fink install minicom'. The next part was a bit tricky because for me, as 'minicom -s' didn't seem to work, so I had to edit my own default minicom config file /sw/etc/minirc.dfl which I'm including here:
# Machine-generated file - use "minicom -s" to change parameters.
pr port /dev/tty.usbserial0
pu baudrate 115200
pu backspace DEL
pu rtscts No
Then it wouldn't let me run minicom as anyone but root. However, after su'ing to root, I had no more problems. I plugged my serial adapter into the device, typed '/sw/bin/minicom' and there was my login prompt waiting for me as I had port /dev/tty.usbserial0
pu baudrate 115200
pu backspace DEL
pu rtscts No
(Oh, I think I might have also had to use 'ctrl-a-z' to ensure all the settings were correct. You'll obviously have to get the baud, parity, stop bits, and flow control correct for your device. Sorry that I can't help you there, but it is well beyond the scope of this document.)
Good luck! It's a real joy once you get it to work!