USB3 Audio card/Stereo balance off/Any Ideas?


Hello All,

I just installed OSX 10.2. Up 'til now, I have happily run an Aardvark Audio USB3 digital audio interface for use with MOTU DP3 (using OS9.2.2).

Over time, I have come to run have most of my Mac audio (like iTunes, alert tones, etc.) also through the USB3. It's stereo balance has always worked fine.

Now, however, running OSX 10.2, the right channel is significantly louder than the left. I could use my audio mixer to counter this, but that seems wrong.

In OSX 10.1.5, in the Sound control panel of System Preferences, there was an audio test that ran test tones back and forth thru the left and right speaker. Now. that is gone under 10.2.

So, I have two questions:

- Does anyone know if the stereo balance test will return in an update to Jaguar?

- In the meantime, does anyone have a suggestion as to how to restore my stereo balance?

Thanks in advance for your help.

