Use bluetooth cell phone as ip-phone


I have a crazy idea. My ISP is offering a voice over ip service for free. I am even capable to call into the regular phone line for a very low amount of money..
However, I find this very useful but I don't want to be stucked with the micro and speakers of my tibook.
Now, could this be possible:
Could I use my Cellphone (SE T610) as a sort of headset using bluetooth? Imagine I am home and online. Someone calls me over ip and my cell phone starts ringing. I pick up and use my cell phone for the talk.
Now, it will get more interesting the way around. I will dial a number (or ip) over the laptop (or even my cell using some kind of salling clicker action) using the voice over ip service but actually talk through my cell...
Best thing:
When I am online, all calls I make on my handy are redirected to my laptop using bluetooth and I pay nothing (or a bit when I call into regular phone lines). :)
Actually I am always somehow online and if this could work, I could throw out my sim-card.. ;)
It should just be a software thing, right? What do you guys think about it? The bluetooth bandwidth should be weide enough, right?
Yes, but somehow I wish I could have done this with my cell. There is an option for some cell-phone providers here to declare special locations (actually just one) as your home-zone. In that area you pay a much lower price to make calls. I was hoping to apply something similar to this but for free.
I sent an email to those ppl from salling clicker. They told me there is a special protocol for bluetooth headsets, which should be supported by the cell. But there is no cell supporting this protocol and faking a headset.
A pity.. :(

Thanks for your reply anyway :)