use of VPN connection and loos of internet access


hi there,

i'm not an expert with MAC OSX, but when i make a VPN Connection to my other company, then i can't continu to browse the internet.
it seem all the requests are send throught the VPN (not only the intranet request)

how can i configure the VPN/OSX/other things, to route intranet (192.168.x.x) throught the VPN and other request to internet directly ?

i don't want (and i can't) configure the otherside router...

thank for your help !

(i add a tip, i test the same configuration with one PC, and it work fine..i access the intranet through the VPN and i still have access to internet)
All network traffic will go through the VPN tunnel while you are connected, the problem you have is most likely caused by the company using a proxy server for web access. That is unless they don't allow web access from their network.

Ask them to let you have the details and you would just need to enter that in the relevant location for you browser and it should work. If you switch between the VPN and direct access it is easier to have two browsers one configured for each setup.

i can't set the setting you say, because the other company haven't a proxy. the router where i connect is the only way to connect to internet.

2nd things.. if i connect to the other company with a pc, then i have no problem to continu to browse internet without special configuration.

i continu to search a solution...
Sorry if this isn't helpful as it's pretty much the same as Tommo's answer.
I had a similar problem when trying to network in our work PC's with our Mac home network... when not VPNned, everything was fine with the Internet, but once logged into VPN, I had to change the browser settings for the proxy at work. I just switch it whenever I need to (it keeps the information when I turn the proxy settings off, so they're still there when I need to turn them back on). Using Firefox 2.0.