used mac price


I dont think there is a web site for used macs like the blue book. if htere is can someone tell me the address. Im gonna sell my g4 533mhz/ 768mb ram/ 28gb+37gb hdd/gforce2 mx/ dvd and I dont know the reserve I should put. can someone help me with this
You could check eBay or this web site. There is a forum specially for selling equipment.

Check out Shreve Systems - at least for a price as to what they are going for.
If it were up to me I would set it at 500$.
(this may be low, but the system is 2 years old! {of course I think old macs need to loose value like PCs... heck you could get a 800Mhz P3 machine with that config for 400$ new....})
Originally posted by Cheryl

Check out Shreve Systems - at least for a price as to what they are going for.

Forget Shreve... there was a post on Macintouch today about them deciding to pack it in. They're going to auction off all their assets December 13th at their business address in Lousiana.

Read all about it by going to the URL above; they have a phone number you can call for more info.
Well that's a bummer. Where am I gonna get those hard to find parts to my good old fashioned 040's?

Does anyone have a good supplier for those LC575's ?
That would be easy to do, but these are in a school and the budget has been cut down to the nibs. This year worse than previous years. Unless some one wants to donate 10 eMac's, I can't even think of dumping them. :(
Originally posted by Cheryl
Does anyone have a good supplier for those LC575's ?

You might try

I just bought a refurb logic board for a wonky Gig'Ethernet G4 from them; good service & the board arrived on-time & worked fine. Not as cheap as eBay but...

You might also surf over to

Later that day...

Don't bother with DVWarehouse; I just learned they had the board I received drop-shipped from MacResQ! I paid almost [red] twice [/red] what MacResQ wants for their refurb'd boards thru eBay & the board I received shows obvious evidence of refurbishment having been done - there's a lot of smearing on the underside of the board around the AirPort connector pins. It looks like the connector had been replaced, so I got a refurb board for what I DV thought was a "pull or new" component.

I am not pleased.